Also, I would like to start profiling people's projects. How you interpret this is really up to what you are looking for as a user of this blog. Have you completed a project and want to highlight your achievements? Do have a home project you have been thinking about and are looking for free professional advice? Are you somewhere in-between? Don't worry if it's a small project or a big one. You would be amazed at how simple (and cheap) some of your home design solutions can be.
Please leave any suggestions you have for adjusting the content of this site to better suit your needs in the comments section below. I would much rather discuss design ideas about specific projects than my general thoughts on design. The work is so much more rewarding when there is a real outcome involved. If you do have a project you would like me to highlight or provide advice on, again, please leave a comment below and I will get in touch with you personally.
Thanks for stopping by.